Flowermancy & Psychometry Course

Flowermancy & Psychometry Course

You'll get:

1. A pdf manual of Psychometry and Flowermancy Course

2. An Audio Clip of Psychometry and Flowermancy Course 

3. Audio Clips of various Psychometry / Flowermancy Guided Meditations 

3. Explanation and doubts clarification on audio / video call

4. A quiz related to the Course

5. Certificate of Participation or Completion

6. Lifetime membership and access with a Membership Code

7. Protection shield activation for lifetime

It takes 1-2 days to complete the course 

Eligibility: None

Recorded Video Course: Rs.8666

Live Video Course: Rs.9555

This course includes:

1. Preparation

2. Meditation 

3. Objects Psychometry 

4. Photographs Psychometry 

5. Crystals Psychometry 

6. Plants Psychometry 

7. Flowermancy