Aura And Chakras Analysis

Aura & Chakras Analysis

CHAKRA AND AURA SCAN - Get your aura and chakras scanned with complete report of findings. 

GUIDE BOOK - You can also buy my complete chakra guide to get to know everything about chakras starting from their location to their expressions, ways to balance them, beej mantras, mudras, etc.

Scan + Condition and strength of all chakras in percentage - Rs.277

Scan + Reasons for blocks - Rs.444

Overall in depth analysis (Scan + Condition and strength of all chakras + Performance of each Chakra + Reasons for blocks + Guidance for all Chakras) - Rs.777

Scan + Colour + Condition and strength of all Aural layers in percentage - Rs.299

Scan + Colour + Reasons for blocks - Rs.466

Overall in depth analysis (Scan + Colour + Condition and strength of all layers of Aura + Performance of each layer + Reasons for blocks + Guidance for all layers) - Rs.822